Ever since it’s creation in 2006 in Los Angeles, Denim of Virtue has been on the forefront of perpetuating the legend of denim.
Inspired by traditional American heritage, sublimed by unique craftsmanship, Denim of Virtue embodies a new creative vision taking denim to bolder horizons.
True to the pioneering spirit of denim, we are constantly innovating to propose to the world, beyond the perfect fit, a new « denim emotion ».

- Denim Of Virtue -


« The Virtue of Nature »

2019 marks the year where Denim of Virtue takes its guidance and inspirations from Mother Nature and the vast wonders it has bestowed upon humanity. As respectful and appreciative observers, we’ve created a collection that echos in many ways and in details , Nature’s miraculous workings.
With the collaboration of renowned avant-garde denim and sportswear precursor, Jimmy Taverniti, Denim of Virtue is proud to present our new innovation- driven collection: Our jeans, veste and downs are conceived to be adaptable and multi-function, reducing significantly one’s wardrobe and thus lessening the impact on our environment.
Our denim wash treatments are natural and hand-crafted. Our collection carries Thermosensitive Denim, denim that reacts to one’s body heat, enabling a single pair of jeans to offer multiple shades of denim washes. Our collection is Functional /Fashion/Sports driven with colour palettes inspired by Nature. Our clothes are conceived and designed to be in harmony with your body, your lifestyle and to have the capacity to evolve in an ever changing urban contemporary environment. This is our definition of Luxury.

1847 N Curson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046, USA


사업자등록번호 : 366-87-00537

통신판매업 신고 : 제2016-서울강남-03918호

대표자 : 이을규 개인정보관리책임자 : 정경훈

주소 : 서울특별시 강남구 압구정로79길 75 (청담동) 청담빌딩 2F

Level 1, Cheongdam Bldg, 75 Apgujeong-ro 79-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

T : +82 02-3485-6270

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